What they say about us
“Covid effect: small villages become sustainable locations for the diffuse company”
The startup HQVillage wants to enhance and redevelop Italian villages, particularly those that have suffered most from depopulation, transforming them into alternative business locations through a network of private property owners and a wide range of services.
– di Gianni Rusconi
“Villages into company headquarters for smartworkers”
Agile working has changed the way of working and it is smartworking that provides a chance of salvation for small depopulated villages. But how can they be enhanced and transformed into alternative company headquarters through a network of private property owners and a wide range of services? The solution comes from a Pisan startup, HQVillage.
– Rita Maria Stanca
“Stop depopulation with smart working”
HQVillage’s challenge is to redevelop Italian villages at risk of depopulation and bring them back to life, transforming narrow streets between bell towers, brick houses and the countryside into alternative company headquarters. The aim is to bring together both the demand for smart working spaces away from the chaos of the city and the supply of private property owners.
– Alessandro Bientinesi
“Smart working in italian villages”
When it comes to the future of work, HQVillage undertakes to annunce its proposal as a business model. Anticipating the future of corporate headquarters: sustainable, resilient and adapted to the new needs of the smartworker. By moving to one of the project’s partner villages, the worker will be able to choose where and how to live and work
– Bruna Galvao